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'2008/10/11'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.10.11 Google AdWords로부터의 메일?
아침에 일어나 메일을 확인하니,
영어로 제목이 적힌 메일이 하나가 있었다.
보다보니- google adwords?
어레 난 사용하고 있지 않은데....무슨일이지?

Renew Your Account Now !

Dear Advertiser,

This is your official notification from Google AdWords that the service(s) listed below will be deactivated and deleted if not renewed immediately.

As the Primary Contact, you must renew the service(s) listed below or it will be deactivated and deleted.

Renew Now your Google Search Advertising services.

SERVICE: Google Search Advertising

Thank you for using Google AdWords service.
We appreciate your business and the opportunity to serve you.

Google AdWords Service
Please remember to input your AdWords username and password correctly NOT your email and password.
Why renew my account?
Google AdWords helps you manage your search advertising campaign simply and efficiently. Renew now today to get connected with customers.
Top questions
How long will it take?
This should take you about 10-15 seconds.
What do I need?
You'll need only your AdWords username and password.
Posted by BANG BANG